Sunday, June 7, 2009

In the valley

Do you ever just have those days where nothing goes right and everything in your life is struggling. That is where i am at right now and the part of my life that seems to struggle the most is my spiritual life and i get in these valleys in my life. Where i know i need to climb and i know how to climb to the top of the mountain and the path to take but yet i get lazy and say i can just start tomorrow or i can just do it lazy and i get very complacent there in the valley and in that low spot i begin to become depressed and disgusted with myself. Satan tells me that i am not good enough and he whispers in my ear that u can just climb later and does everything he can do to distract me and keep me where i am at. Well not anymore, my climb starts today and i have all the essential gear and directions i needed and i am on my way to that mountaintop to where i get so close to God that i can serve him and not struggle with sin and feel like im not worthy. I think we all go thru these times and that we all struggle with different areas in our life but i will say these, its time to forget about the past and move on towards a new start because God is so worth our praise and our willingness. if we just make the first step in renewing our mind and heart and ask him to create in us a new spirit than He will bless us beyond our wildest imagination and that impossible mountain to climb will turn in to a small hill that he will carry us up.......... In all that you do, do it for His glory and not yours!!!!

In Christ,
Rev. Cole Permenter

P.s. i know that im not a god writer so dont critique my grammer